
Promoting the project — Erasmusday 2024 Workshop in Romania

In the international calendar of activities dedicated to #ErasmusDay, the Official Venue of Teachers from Vaslui organized on October 18, 2024, the workshop with the theme ”Choose to be in the Erasmus+” family. The event was held online on the Google Workspace platform and had 62 participants from various school institutions involved in Erasmus projects, including, from Vaslui County which presented the personal and institutional benefits of the Erasmus experience. We presented the short story contest held within the project, specifying information about the rules of the contest, the selection criteria of the 12 most successful creations, the organization and conduct of the public reading event, concluding with images from the e‑book as a final product. We highlighted as main benefits brought by the involvement in the project on gender equity the following aspects:

- Development of pedagogical and methodological skills – following the acquisition of new teaching methods that integrate gender equity perspectives;

- Increasing awareness and sensitivity on gender issues – school teachers becoming more attentive and sensitive to the needs of all students, helping to prevent discrimination;

- Exchange of best practices and innovative ideas;

- Creation of an international collaborative network that can be harnessed for future projects;

- Contributing to cultural and institutional change, making teachers agents of change in school and community, promoting educational policies and practices that support gender equity.