
Presenting the project’s progress in Romania after the midterm meeting

The event took place on December 19, 2023, in the school’s amphitheatre, as a result of the midterm meeting of the partners in the project, in Marsciano, Italy, with all the school’s teaching staff present. There were made known the agenda of the activities carried out during the meeting between the partners and the stage of the project regarding the progress. The comparative analysis of the gender equity situation in the partner countries was presented. The teaching staff found out that the school is responsible for activities in package number 4. We will organize and run the short-story contest in each partner country and we will apply the practical tools proposed by the partners. The contest rules will be developed and popularized among the students. Some participants stated that the school’s involvement in this project increased their awareness of the importance of gender equity in education. They noted the existence of gender barriers and stereotypes of which they were previously unaware, and felt inspired to revise their own attitudes and behaviours related to gender, both in professional and personal contexts. They appreciated the quality of the comparative analysis of the gender equity situation in the 6 partner countries in the project.  Some participants expressed their intention to implement the proposed practical tools in the classes they coordinate.