
Meetings with local Stakeholders to present the Project in Spain

Over the last few weeks, the spanish organisation Inicativa Internacional Joven has been meeting with different stakeholders in this project, to present its objectives and activities, and to explore possible future collaborations. All organisations they have met, agreed about the importance of raising awereness on gender equity in schools.

The stakeholders we have met with so far are:

  • The Moroccan organisation “Forum of Modernity & Democracy Morocco”, who pointed out it was an unusual project as it is a subject that is hardly touched upon in their country.
  • The APA Foundation and the Andalusian Association Palmira Support to the Syrian people with whom Iniciativa Internacional has reflected on the need to give more visibility and raise awareness among young people about gender violence.
  • They also made an effort to meet with a professional and expert in gender and culture of Peace Antonio Poleo, with whom the have collaborated on several occasions in projects on this topic.
  • “Pozos sin Fronteras”, who highlighted the importance of the project since, like any other social problem, gender violence must be dealt with in schools.