Impact of micro story contest on teachers in Romania
Moga Monica, socio-human teacher: “Beyond the criteria of delimited evaluation, I realized that judging involved a dominant component, EMOTION. I remember how at one point, he invaded me with the trembling voice and hands of a boy. In his sincerity, he seemed to question the guilt of all who cause suffering.”
Pavel Toma, teacher of Romanian language and Literature: ”The gender perspective places particular emphasis on gender differences and takes into account how discrimination shapes the immediate needs and long-term interests of women and men. The strength of the project was the attitude. They had the opportunity to discuss gender equality, to exemplify and identify concrete situations, real that you can find in everyday life and take attitude to eliminate gender barriers. They understood that they have to give voice and visibility to girls/women through, because rarely these are promoted, that you have to avoid stereotypes, this being a way to change the way of thinking.”
Lorena Toma, teacher of Romanian language and Literature: “The implementation of this project on gender equity is welcomed, this way one can promote equality between women and men, addressing gender inequalities and identifying solutions to reduce them. I am delighted that such a project, targeting such a topic of major interest, is taking place in our institution.”