
“‘Hey Loser!’: A Powerful Student Performance on Gender Equality in Marsciano”

Yesterday evening, 06/06/’24 the show ‘Hey loser!’, staged by the students of the town’s Omnicomprensivo ‘L. Salvatorelli - B. Moneta’, was held at the Municipal Theatre ‘Concordia’ in Marsciano. The performance was realised through a pnrr action and, through the realisation of scenes taken from the daily lives of the students, presented important reflections on gender equality and personal fulfilment in our current society, which is often too distracted and hasty. These themes, the subject of study and
reflection by the institute’s second classes, are part of the international Erasmus+ Ka2 project ‘Schools for Gender Equity’ (SxGE - schoolsforequity), co-financed by the European Union, aimed at raising awareness among young people, but here also among all citizens, of the problems that still exist in terms of equality.

Once again, the school, by opening up to the city community, offers important food for thought. The fellow citizens who took part were very satisfied, with many praising the students’ skill and the quality of the initiative, which they considered to be of remarkable quality both in terms of its realisation and content. It is praiseworthy that the municipal administration favoured this evening by lending the City Theatre. There are not many initiatives open to the public and free of charge today that represent a moment of growth and confrontation, as was the case for this evening.