
“Empowering Equality: Gender Education in Action”

At a press conference, the Istituto Omnicomprensivo Salvatorelli-Moneta of Marsciano presented the results of the investments made through the resources of the P.N.R.R., presenting the projects and illustrating the activities carried out for the various study courses. The conference was held in Marsciano on Monday, 5 February from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., in the Aula Magna of the Institute’s headquarters. In the presence of the press, television and the authorities, the headmaster illustrated the main lines of action, leaving the details of implementation to the various project leaders. Some activities in support of civic education, with the educational aim of growing increasingly aware citizens, such as the “Schools for Gender equity” project, an Erasmus+ project co-financed by the European Union, in which the Institute participates as the only Italian school, alongside Spain, Portugal, Romania, Estonia and Greece. The project aims to spread a culture of equality and equal opportunities, investigating the phenomenon in the daily lives of adolescents and trying to understand which strategies and methodologies are best suited to their education. The authorities have shown great interest in this project, since the phenomenon of gender-based violence in Italy is worrying; many families also find the project important, support the interventions and declare themselves willing to participate in the initiatives.