
Multiplier event in Romania

On November 29, 2024, our school organized and held a session to disseminate the results of the project. The invitation to participate in the event was released to the entire local community, being published on the school’s Facebook page. Many of the school’s teachers responded to the invitation, as well as representatives of some local institutions: “Ștefan Procopiu” High School, the County Center for Resources and Educational Assistance, the Vaslui County School Inspectorate and the Vaslui City Hall.

After the coordinator, the Erasmus partners and the project objectives were presented, the activities carried out and the activities obtained were highlighted, specifying and describing the intellectual products made and the impact produced by the implementation of the participants’ project. At the end, the opportunity was created to develop discussions on the  topic of the project.

The teachers involved in the project activities stated that they have a deeper understanding of different realities that people experience due to gender inequalities, they have changed some internalized prejudices or stereotypes and gained a more balanced attitude towards gender, they feel more motivated to be more active in promoting gender equity in the community. The feedback questionnaire highlighted that the participants consider the theme of the subject relevant to the didactic activity and the final products useful in understanding and approaching gender equity.